Class VRAxis
Axis mapping names for VR input devices.
Inherited Members
System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object)
System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object)
Assembly: Liminal.SDK.dll
public static class VRAxis
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The primary input axis in the range of [(-1,-1)...(1,1)], where (0, 0) is the center of the pad or joystick. For triggers, this represents a single axis as a float.
For most devices, this will be either a touchpad or joystick.
Device | Button |
Daydream | Touchpad |
GearVR Headset | D-Pad |
GearVR Controller | Touchpad |
Oculus Rift | Thumbstick |
HTC Vive | Touchpad |
public const string One = "AxisOne"
Field Value
Type |
Description |
System.String |
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The primary input axis in the range of [(0,0)...(1,1)], where (0, 0) is the top left of the pad or joystick, and (1, 1) is the bottom right of the pad or joystick.
For most devices, this will be either a touchpad or joystick.
Device | Button |
Daydream | Touchpad |
GearVR Headset | D-Pad |
GearVR Controller | Touchpad |
Oculus Rift | Thumbstick |
HTC Vive | Touchpad |
public const string OneRaw = "AxisOneRaw"
Field Value
Type |
Description |
System.String |
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The primary input axis. This value is synonomous with One.
public const string Primary = "AxisOne"
Field Value
Type |
Description |
System.String |
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The primary raw input axis. This value is synonomous with OneRaw.
public const string PrimaryRaw = "AxisOneRaw"
Field Value
Type |
Description |
System.String |
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The secondary input axis. This value is synonomous with Two.
public const string Seconday = "AxisTwo"
Field Value
Type |
Description |
System.String |
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The secondary raw input axis. This value is synonomous with TwoRaw.
public const string SecondayRaw = "AxisTwoRaw"
Field Value
Type |
Description |
System.String |
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The third input axis in the range of [(-1,-1)...(1,1)], where (0, 0) is the center of the pad or joystick. For triggers, this represents a single axis as a float.
Most devices do not have a third input axis. Using this axis is not recommended.
Device | Button |
Daydream | Not Supported |
GearVR Headset | Not Supported |
GearVR Controller | Not Supported |
Oculus Rift | Hand trigger |
HTC Vive | Trigger |
public const string Three = "AxisThree"
Field Value
Type |
Description |
System.String |
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The third input axis in the range of [(0,0)...(1,1)], where (0, 0) is the top left of the pad or joystick, and (1, 1) is the bottom right of the pad or joystick. For triggers, this represents a single axis as a float.
Most devices do not have a third input axis. Using this axis is not recommended.
Device | Button |
Daydream | Not Supported |
GearVR Headset | Not Supported |
GearVR Controller | Not Supported |
Oculus Rift | Hand trigger |
HTC Vive | Not Supported |
public const string ThreeRaw = "AxisThreeRaw"
Field Value
Type |
Description |
System.String |
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The secondary input axis in the range of [(-1,-1)...(1,1)], where (0, 0) is the center of the pad or joystick. For triggers, this represents a single axis as a float.
Most mobile devices do not have a secondary input axis. Using this axis is not recommended.
Device | Button |
Daydream | Not Supported |
GearVR Headset | Not Supported |
GearVR Controller | Not Supported |
Oculus Rift | Hand trigger |
HTC Vive | Trigger |
public const string Two = "AxisTwo"
Field Value
Type |
Description |
System.String |
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The secondary input axis in the range of [(0,0)...(1,1)], where (0, 0) is the top left of the pad or joystick, and (1, 1) is the bottom right of the pad or joystick.
Most mobile devices do not have a secondary input axis. Using this axis is not recommended.
Device | Button |
Daydream | Not Supported |
GearVR Headset | Not Supported |
GearVR Controller | Not Supported |
Oculus Rift | Index trigger |
HTC Vive | Not Supported |
public const string TwoRaw = "AxisTwoRaw"
Field Value
Type |
Description |
System.String |